We love taking pictures for Instagram, right?
We still love taking pictures for Instagram in a cool wall, right?
So you’re going to love this wall that I came across here in Toronto.
The idea was of the hall Love’s in the hair, which had the balcony to paint a huge wall (and beautiful!) as perfect background for photos.
Everyone wins, the people who go there and make the photos and the hall that ends up gaining instant publicity when people post their photos on the internet.
I did not know the hall myself and I discovered it because of the hashtag on the wall.
For those who want to go there and take photos (View my complete profile), it is very easy to find: it is in the McDougall Lane with Richmond St. (almost on the corner of Spadina Ave.).
If you go there, be sure to tag me on your photo so I can enjoy it and comment on what I found .