It’s that time of the year when the sun is still warming but we know it’s not for too long. That time when we think it’s still too soon to buy fall clothes, but we don’t see a point in buying summer pieces.
I got you covered! I selected some of my store‘s best selling items that you can get now, wear now and still enjoy them during fall.
There’s no secret, you just have to prioritize clothes that can be worn below layers and yet are cute for fall activities such as brunch, dinner, happy hour, etc.
Here are some examples:
You can wear delicate tops below a cardigan or a blazer for dinners and night outs.

You can wear those spring/summer tops featuring long sleeves for some outside activities during fall as they can protect your arms from the wind.

And of course, there are always the basics! You can actually wear them all year round! They go perfectly as main pieces during summer’s hot days or as first layer during winter, when you can wear them below your sweater.

⭐️I personally pick all the items.
⭐️There’s no mass-buying, that’s why you get unique clothes.
⭐️I own one of each item and I wear them before getting approved to be at the store.
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