Photo Diary | What we do when we don’t do anything

Now that we are past the second week (can I already complain that this year is going by too fast?) I can announce my year 2022 officially started. Or not, because with COVID-19 nothing is as it was. Not even the first or second weeks of the year.

Almost everything is still closed here. If I limit to the places that matter most to me, I can say that EVERYTHING is closed. There is no gym to go to in the morning and no coffee shop to go to work. So life is indoors.

I’m still cooking several dishes for the first time, taking advantage of the time I have to spend at the stove and also learning new tricks.

I made another fresh pasta at home, this time with tomatoes in the dough. I think it’s about time to do my review of the Kitchenaid pasta roller that fits in the mixer. Spoiler: it’s amazing! I didn’t think I would use it so much, much less on weekdays.


I also ventured into making pickles at home and discovered that it is much easier – and more flexible – than I thought. I’ve made onion, carrot and cucumber so far, but I already have potatoes on my list ?.

Syrah has nothing to complain about, with her parents at home, she is getting more and more spoiled. She spends her days splitting herself between me and Cris and is never left alone in a room.

So we couldn’t say we didn’t see the street last week, we decided, instead of ordering home delivery, to pick up our Friday night food at the restaurant.

The good news is that we discovered a new place with amazing sandwiches.

The bad news is that as I passed through Toronto Greektown I missed my adventures discovering new neighbourhoods around the city.

I’ve only walked around there once, during the Greek festival a few years ago, but I’ve never been on an ordinary day. From what I could see from the car, it seemed to me one of the ethnic areas in Toronto with the most character. Lots of Greek signs and, of course, lots of Greek food.

Although we were not enjoying it as much as I would have liked, it was a good week, as I produced a lot of content. My new year’s resolution – if I can call it that – for 2022 is to make my schedule less structured and more open to experiences that can result in content for the blog and other medias. And this week has been perfect for that, I have so much in the queue that now what I lack is the time to write.

Still we rested for the weekend and ended the Sunday with another pizza, since this year we intend to resume our Sunday Night Pizzas tradition. This week I used the burrata I had left over from the recipe I made for the blog, last week’s prosciutto and dried tomatoes. Recipe coming soon ?.

How about you? How did you enjoy your week?


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